
Change the Password

Level : Medium

Hi, We are from a financial analytic company.

We recently got hit by a cyber attack, after that our website was taken over by a hacker. Josh's credentials was compromised.

Josh is the only person having access to the secret codes.

Josh recommends you because he believes you have the skill to find the solution.

You need to find a way to change the password of Josh and enter the pin 123 to unlock the codes.

Find Clara Ericson's Access code to complete the task.

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Hello!! The following challenge is a fictional situation. You can try your creativity to solve this challenge.
We do not encourage, condone, or orchestrate attempts to hack into other servers or any other illegal activities.
Everything you learn here is for educational purpose. We do not take responsibility for your misbehaviour.
Hacking without permission is Illegal and Crime. Enjoy the Learning and Enjoy Ethical Hacking. All the best